All of our dogs are spayed/neutered, up to date on all medical, and are house
pets. They are now waiting for their permanent families to claim them!
New Hope Rescue
This is one of those stories you never want to have to tell, because you never want to believe that people can do these
things. But they do.

This poor dog was found Wednesday, January 10, by a VDOT worker who was working a ditch on the side of the road. He
heard a low whining in the woods-- walked into the woods to investigate-- and found this dog
tied, by a thick rope around
his neck, to a tree
-- with not even enough slack in the rope to lie down. The dog was ematiated and covered in open sores,
missing much of his fur. The local animal control was called, and he was taken to the pound.

He was so weak he could barely stand, and wouldn't, or couldn't, eat. So, understandably, he was slated for euthanasia the
next day, as he was so obviously suffering.


I happened to go to the pound this morning (Jan. 11), and was told the story. I had to see him. We went to the back, and
there he was...lying flat out in the run, not moving. I had to get closer to make sure he was still breathing. As I went into the
run, his eyes opened... his tail started a slow thump. And then he dragged himself to his feet, and, using all his energy to
stand up on his back legs, sagged against me... and started to lick my face frantically. I stood there and held him to me and

There was NO WAY I could leave him. So he went to the vet, and here's his status: he has obviously been starved, he has
demodectic mange (not contagious but hard to treat) over most of his body, and he is heartworm postive. But he is only 2-3
years old, is either a golden or a golden cross. He has the sweetest disposition, and despite whatever he went through, and
however he ended up left tied to a tree in the woods to die a slow, agonizing, lingering death... he still trusts, and he still

A kind lady who was at the vet with her cat when I brought him in looked him in the eye for a few minutes and told me, "His
name is Sweet William." And I looked at him and agreed...

So here is Sweet William. Let's get some funds together for his care and give this boy the life he deserves. It will be a long
haul to get him healthy, but he is worth it.

Click here to see our other dogs for adoption!
Update, 1/13/2007:

Sweet Willie came home from the vet last night. He is settling in very well here!! He likes the other dogs, although he
does not know how to play with them. He does not want to be left alone, and he's been following me step for step all day,
even though he is so exhausted. He wants to be loved on so badly, but it's hard to even know where to pet him right
now!! The poor guy is so overwhelmed ... everything is so new to him. He was scared of the tv,  the ceiling fans, and the
microwave... and I thought he was going to faint when he saw the goats. Well, he certainly won't be bored here!!

His treatment at this point involves daily injections of ivermectin for the next four weeks, in gradually increasing
implements. He will go back to the vet in two weeks to be re-evaluated and to receive another dip. I've added Omega 3.6.
& 9 oils to his diet, a good multi-vitamin, MSM, probiotics, and digestive enzymes.

I can't thank everyone enough who has responded to help Willie. This boy has a lot of angels out there watching over

Here are some pictures from today:
His poor feet are so swollen
and painful... he bleeds every
time he walks.
Update 1/16/2007: WOW!!!!  William is already responding to treatment and is really perking up!!! His skin is calming
down-- not so red-- and his sores are healing. Those poor feet are almost back down to normal size!! And he seems to
be already gaining some weight. But the biggest change is his whole demeanor-- he is HAPPY! He's excited to see us!
He's making eye contact and beginning to respond to our voices and to his name. He even tried to play last night, but he
just doesn't know what to do; so he ended up kind of sailing into my lap and he scared himself. Poor guy! But he'll get
Is that a touch of confidence in his face?
Click here to continue!!
PO Box 412, Providence Forge, VA 23140

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